
IOM Lao PDR Launches Country Strategy

Vientiane – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) mission in Lao People's Democratic Republic (IOM Lao PDR) today (24/02) officially launched its Country Strategy for 2022 – 2026 at a ceremony co-chaired by Dr Sthabandith Insisiengmai, the Vice Minister of Planning and Investment of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Dr Maria Nenette Motus, the IOM Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific. The ceremony was also attended virtually by Vice Ministers from other key line ministries within the Government of Lao PDR, diplomatic delegates, and development partners. 
The Country Strategy 2022-2026 is IOM Lao PDR's first-ever strategic framework under the Cooperation Agreement that was signed between IOM and the Government of Lao PDR on 1 September 2021, which confirmed IOM’s mandate, and full privileges and immunities as a United Nations entity in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.  

The five-year Country Strategy was completed through a series of consultations with the Lao Government, United Nation agencies, and developments partners to ensure that it is aligned with the Lao People’s Democratic Republic 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) 2021-2025, the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2022-2026 as well as  the Sustainable Development Goals; and that it reflects the IOM Global Strategic Results Framework and IOM’s commitments under the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.
Dr. Insisiengmai explained that the launch is important event between the Government of Lao PDR and IOM and updated that the Government of Lao PDR is “pleased to stand by IOM and support IOM particularly in supporting the government of Lao PDR on migration management and involved area of work related to COVID-19.”

Dr. Motus expressed sincere gratitude to the Lao Government and relevant key stakeholders for their substantial contribution to the development of the five-year Country Strategy and emphasized that the Country Strategy defines a clear strategic pathway for IOM to work within the country, and guide IOM’s operations and strategic engagement, and enhance current and future collaborations with the Government of Lao PDR, donors, UN agencies, and development partners in Lao PDR and the region.
IOM has worked in Lao PDR since 2001, and during this time has cooperated with various line ministries in the areas of Emergency and Post-Crisis response; Immigration and Border Management; Labor Migration and Human Development; Migration, environment, and climate change; migration governance; migration health; and migrant protection and assistance. 

As Lao PDR aims to graduate from Least Developing Country (LDC) status by 2026, and as the country moves towards recovery from the social and economic disruptions that COVID-19 has caused, the five-year Country Strategy  emphasizes that migration plays an important part in sustainable socio-economic development and sets out how well-managed migration will make an important contribution to the development goals on overall prosperity and people’s well-being of Lao PDR through increased human capital, remittances, investment, trade, increased connectivity, and knowledge exchange. 
With this five-year strategy, IOM stands ready to “strengthen collaboration with the wider Government agencies including the existing and new partners as well as relevant stakeholders to address the challenge of migration issues in the country, and in strengthening development cooperation to ensure synergies and maximize development returns,” said Shareen Tuladhar, Chief of Mission, IOM Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

For more information, please contact Shareen Tuladhar, Chief of Mission IOM Lao PDR at or; Mr. Thanakone Ousavang, Legal Officer at 

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals